Owning Land

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Land has many different uses to help a player's economy. It can be used to grow materials that can be sold or crafted. It can also be used to stage trade packs for more efficient trade running. Some players even make money from simply claiming and selling land. Owning land requires you to pay taxes each week using Tax Certificates, and the amount of taxes you owe scales with the amount of land you own.

There are a variety of building designs that can be used to claim land. Generally, they fall into 3 categories: Scarecrows, Houses, and Farmhouses. Scarecrows serve as an empty plot that you can fill with plants, animals, or other resources. Houses serve as more of a vanity option for land owning. Farmhouses are a mixture of both, but are more costly to build and take up more space.

Upgrading / Remodeling Land

Scarecrows can be upgraded into pavilions to increase the plot size to 24x24, increasing the farming space and allowing for some room for furniture.

Houses can be remodeled to add functionality, such as an improved crafting station or the ability to craft fertilizer packs.

Farmhouses can be remodeled to add functionality, such as seed beds or a mining drill that can be harvested.