Released on 13/11/2024
- Two bridge quests were added to the Blue Salt Brotherhood quests, to help direct new players to the right NPCs
- The Emerald Weapons have been added to the ingame encyclopedia.
- The stats for the Emerald Bow have been adjusted to give Agility/Stamina instead of Strength/Agility
- The labor cost for Arctic Earthstone crafting has been reduced heavily (from 25 to 2 for the stone and from 100 to 5 for the tokens)
- Fixed crayfish and starfish localization errors.
- Fixed Pumpkin Charmer costume localization errors.
- Fixed Puppy Onesie localization
- Fixed Eclipse Knight localization
- Fixed an asset issue with the Pumpkin Charmer outfit
- Added a craft under the Composition Workbench in Mirage Isle to re-craft bound red dragon statues
- Fixed the salvage forge crafts showing incorrectly in craft menus
- Fixed localization error with Tyrenos Index
- Fixed Little Witch Jar - Bluesalt Fresh Fertilizer quest
- Fixed text issue with Combat Scrolls: Attack
- Ode to Recovery Ranks 1, 2 and 3 have been adjusted back to their 3.0 balance
- Fixed an issue with Merit Dailies requiring packs but not properly counting the craft towards completion
- The Third Mistmerrow of the day has been moved from 8 PM to 9 PM server time to stop conflicting with Luscas
- The amount of Lucky Point Shards from Thunderstruck Braziers has been corrected back to 1~~3
- The Labor cost to plant items outside of protected land has been added again
- Removed the 'leaf' icon over seeds that made them hard to recognize
- Phonographs have been fixed