Melee Guide

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Melee classes specialize in close quarters combat and assassinating single targets.

Skill Trees

Generally, there is a primary set of skill trees for each main tree (Battlerage, Sorcery, Archer, Vitalism) that has variations by swapping one or both of the other trees for specific purposes. The first class in the list below is generally considered the primary set of skill trees..

  • Darkrunner (Battlerage, Shadowplay, Auramancy)
    • Burst and DPS, well rounded melee assassin class.
  • Abolisher (Battlerage, Defense, Auramancy)
    • Sacrifices damage for additional tankiness.
  • Hex Warden (Battlerage, Witchcraft, Auramancy)
    • Sacrifices damage for additional crowd control.
  • Bloodreaver (Battlerage, Occultism, Auramancy)
    • Sacrifices damage for additional crowd control.


The following links are baseline sets and may not reflect your ideal gear set. Additionally, the grade of your gear doesn't need to match exactly. For example, you could have the whole set at celestial grade, prior to upgrading to divine, or you may use the delphinad version of the cloak for awhile before upgrading to ayanad.

Longspear (2H), Mixed Armor