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In Archeage Classic there are many different kind of gliders available. From early levels players get rewarded their first so called basic glider that doesn't have any skills yet. By upgrading it players can use various skills and stay airborne longer. In Archeage term gliding is basically player jumping from a high place or from their standing point with the assist of their glider skill and descending momentarily. Some gliders have skills to pump up the altitude while gliding but the way is always down eventually. Meaning there is no "flying" in the game as in staying in the air as long as the players wants.

There are certain stats on the glider that can be enhanced by upgrading the glider. Those stats consist of:


  • Flight Speed = Speed of forward movement
  • Gliding Ability = How slowly it loses altitude
  • Turning Speed = How fast and sharp it can turn
  • Launch Hight = How far up it launches you
  • Special Skill


  • Air Speed
  • Cruising Ability
  • Sheering Speed
  • Ascension
  • Special Skill

Glider or Magithopter?

The main term GLIDER is what all these items player equips in their trade pack slot and use to glide are. Under the main term are Gliders and Magithopter.

Magithopters differentiate from gliders in that Magithopters can hover in place and descend slower than gliders. They also have really close turning radius meaning player will turn while hovering in their place. They are also in general slower but boost player far more higher when standing still and using glider. Magithopters also have more, so called, skins like wings, backbags or balloons.

How to make the basic glider

Every player gets a free basic glider from the quests while leveling early on (experimental glider). This basic glider can be upgraded to have more skills and faster gliding speed by buying blueprints from Mirage Island and crafting at the Machining bench.

Glider blueprints

When you enter Mirage you need to travel on the left side to find the blueprint place. Mirage Island does sell the first glider players get from the early quests too so it is easy to craft another glider. Below basic glider's list in order of upgrading.

Icon Name Blueprint price
(Quest glider) Experimental Glider Desing 5 silver
Improved Glider Desing 25 silver
Enhanced Glider Desing 50 sillver
Ultimate Glider Desing 1 gold

Obtainable gliders

Icon Name Type Special skill Way of obtaining
Thunderbolt Glider Glider Bombard Crafting
Red Dragon Glider Glider Divebomb Crafting
Moonshadow Glider Glider Shadow Flight Crafting
Ezi's Glider Glider Invincible Flight Crafting
Glider Companion: Sloth Glider Backward Roll Crafting
Goblin Glider Glider Teleportation Crafting
Flamefeather Glider Glider Glider Charge, Instant Acceleration Crafting
Astra Wings Magithopter Takeoff, Teleport Right, Teleport Left Crafting
Crystal Wings Magithopter Crystal Trail Activity Tokens
Glider Companion: Squirrel Glider Focused Glide, Acorn Bomb Activity Tokens
Skywhisper Glider Glider Ascending Stunt, Descending Stunt Activity Tokens

Glider skins
