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Commerce is a miscellaneous profession centered around delivering trade packs to specific merchants. Both crafting and delivering these packs costs labor granting proficiency in Commerce. Reaching 230k commerce proficiency grants the title Better $auce giving 20 Intelligence and 10 Spirit when equipped.
Trade packs can be turned in at three different types of merchants: Gilda Traders, Gold Traders, and Resource Traders. Gold Traders reward gold, Gilda Traders reward Gilda, and Resource Traders reward Charcoal Stabilizers. The Freedich Resource Trader gives dragon essence stabilizers instead of Charcoal Stabilizers.
With the exception of Freedich, gold and gilda traders only accept trade packs made on the continent they were crafted in. Freedich gold and gilda traders accept packs made on any continent.
Turn in Locations
Freedich Gold Trader
Twice daily the Freedich Gold Trader event starts spawning a Gold Trader on Freedich Island. As a general rule of thumb this trader gives the highest reward per pack of any trader in the game. However, turning in at this trader is quite risky, due to being a limited time event, and the general nature of PvP on Freedich this event has increased risks.