Powerstone Pet
How to get Bloomfang Soul Fragment?
Travel to Ahnimar Community Center to talk to Daru NPC called Kilun the Alchemy Merchant.
Kilun will give a quest where player has to travel to Villanelle, Jaun’s Ranch. At the ranch buy the orange cat. Cat must be in this condition when completing the quest, it musn’t be raised. Get also one Vita seed either from the Butcher npc next to the cat stand or any stablehand/merchant in game. After giving Kilu the cat he will ask the player to grow the Vita Seed.
After this travel back to Ahnimar Community Center to talk to Kilun. He will ask player to bring him some milk from Mahadevi Elephant. Travel to Sanddeep, Grenwolf. Item given by Kilu must be used on the elephant to collect the milk. Don’t kill the elephants! Elephant locations marked in the picture below.
After the milking travel back to Kilun in Ahnimar Community Center. He will ask to bring him the Cat Toy. For this players needs 10x Old Planks and 3x Goose Down.
Goose Down can easily be bought from Auction house or by growing and harvesting geese. Old Planks can be acquire in two places marked in pictures below.
After gathering both materials player must craft Cat Toy. This can be done examp. in both main cities Marianople and Austera at Pet Accessory Workbench.
After crafting Cat Toy travel back to Ahnimar Community Center and deliver the Cat Toy. After delivering Kilun will give the Fragment. The Fragment will be permanent and the questline needs to be done only once.
Which effect each powerstone gives?
Now to make the Fragment and Powerstone into a pet that player can use to gain effect from. Powerstones are sold in Mirage Island with Activity Tokens.
Powerstone + Fragment = Powerstone Pet
There is three different Powerstones and their differences are explained below.
Bloomfang (Kittenish)
Kittenish powerstone costs 100 Activity Tokens.
Kittenish pet will give its owner 1500 extra HP and possess the "Truly Cathletic" skill, decreasing owner's Received Damage -30% for 3 seconds.
Bloomfang (Spirit)
Spirit powerstone costs 100 Activity Tokens.
Spirit pet will give its owner 35 extra Attack Speed and possess the "Specter Spectacular" skill, increasing owner's Attack and Healing Power +10% for 9 seconds.
Bloomfang (Vanity)
Vanity powerstone costs 10 Activity Tokens.
Vanity powerstone doesn’t give any effects, it is just for looks.