Emerald Weapons

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The Emerald Weapon line is a set of weapons created to help new players by providing them with an easily accessible starter weapon. Once upgraded via synthesis to the maximum quality of divine, it is roughly equivalent to a celestial quality ayanad weapon. Be warned though, whilst upgrading your emerald weapon is entirely safe, it's still quite a lot of work! Fortunately, it requires no gold, and very little labor, so it's an excellent task for new players to work on when they've finished their money making for the day.

Obtaining your Emerald Weapon

Quest Starter for the Emerald Weapons

To obtain your emerald weapon you'll need to grab yourself an Emerald gem, and head to the Tehmi Ruins area of Hasla, either head their yourself, or ask a friendly Daru or player to open a portal to the Abandoned Drill Camp. There you will find Fragment Researcher Soa, who, in return for a normal emerald, will provide you an Infused Emerald, the key component in crafting your emerald weapon. Head over to the special crafting bench behind you, and check out the possibilities.

Upgrading your Emerald weapon

Emerald weapons make use of the synthesis system in order to improve their grade, this means that rather than risking the items destruction via regrading, you can instead safely progress the weapon knowing that it is safe, making it easy, if time consuming, to level it to the maximum available grade of divine. Synthesis works by "feeding" a source material to the item you would like to upgrade, in the case of Emerald weapons, that source material is the line of weapons normally referred to as "Hasla weapons" by killing the nearby monsters you are able to collect tokens, these tokens are used to craft, and upgrade, Hasla weapons. It will take approximately 6 T3 Hasla weapons to maximize the grade of your emerald weapon, requiring 650 of a specific token per T3 weapon.

Weapon Tier Tokens Required Cumalative Tokens Synthesis XP XP/Token
T1 150 150 800 5.33
T2 200 350 1800 5.14
T3 300 650 4000 6.15

Changing your Emerald weapon

Should you change your mind after crafting your Emerald weapon, look under the Hasla: Emerald Destruction category at the workbench in the Abandoned Drill Camp. It'll allow destroying a weapon and getting a new emerald. No synthesis experience you've committed to your current weapon will be saved, and you'll be forced to start over from scratch.

Video Guides

Several self-enterprising Daru, and/or players, have created video guides to the Emerald weapon system, links to some of them can be found here.

Hasla Emerald Weapons (New custom content!) - by Rubiole

Guide to Emerald Hasla Weapons - By IcyZinHD

A big thank you to them for their contributions!