Getting Started
For a quick video guide on installing ArcheAge Classic, watch: Installation & Donation Guide
First Steps
// Explain good settings, levelling..
If you're still deciding what class you want to play, take a look at the Skill Trees page.
You'll want to get your settings in place before you start playing. It's recommended that all players take a few moments to set up their hotkeys/action bars, preferred functions etc. Once you do this, you will want to go to character select and then exit the game completely to ensure all of your settings are saved. If you forget this and crash, ArcheAge is notorious for resetting any changes you made but did not save by going to character select.
Here are some QOL setting changes:
- Game Settings
- Name Info
- Disable Friendly and Enemy Pet/Summon Names
- Uncheck Display Nation Name
- Game Info
- Check Show Health Stats
- Check Show Mana Stats
- Check Close Tutorial (maybe not for brand new players!)
- Check View Frame Rate
- Set Quest Details Map Display to Unlimited
- Functionality
- Skill Deployment Location (This is a preference for many players, see what it does and decide if its for you)
- Disable Camera Shake Effects
- Disable Quest Dialogue Close-ups (Unless you're roleplaying/reading Lore)
- Learn where the "Disable Travel Through Other Players' Portals" option is, you'll want to use it when fighting against players trying to grief you.
- If your PC is slow, Show Default Player Appearances can be helpful for your gameplay experience.
- Disable Chat Filter, the game's innate filter makes a lot of words censored for no reason and its more harm than good.
- Name Info
After that, set your Hotkeys how you like them, adjust your chat windows if you want. Then, go to character select and then exit the game (you will be glad you did).
Step 1: Leveling As Your Chosen Race
This server has modified the Main Story Questline (green quests as many players will call them) compared to other servers to give players a few boosts as needed to propel them more quickly towards the more interesting part of the game.
What you will want to do here is find your first GREEN quest for your chosen race and only do those. We've added everything you need as rewards to them so there's nothing to worry about in regards to missing something from the optional side quests ("Yellow Quests").
We've also added adventurer's growthstones to certain quest milestones to make sure your character can appropriately level out of the zone while skipping the yellow quests.
Each race usually throws a small "gotcha" during the leveling process here, if you get stuck, feel free to ask in our community help section on discord, your friends, or read the quest flavor text as it usually has context on where you need to head next. Also, when talking to Recruiter NPC's for quests, the Crimson Omen's Quest will have to be accepted first before the Green Quests you need shows up.
Keep doing these quests until you've completed the "Heading to Halcyona" Quest!
- For Haranya, there is a Portal in Caernord (Ynystere) that will Teleport you to Halcyona
- Nuia races can just walk south to Halcyona as needed
Once you've Arrived in Solisa You should be looking similar to this
Use all the Adventurer's Growthstones and open the last Equipment Gear Box of your choice before moving on!
Step 2: Do the Main Story Quest Until Level 50
All of the quests here on forward are the same for every race and mostly a few quick "find this NPC" quest. You'll want to continue completing these Main Story Quests (Green Quests only) through Halcyona, Hellswamp and then Sandeep until you've completed the Quest: Across the Sea
WARNING: These Zones (especially Halcyona) may sometimes be randomly littered with PvP and the Halcyona War Event, so your safety is no longer promised in these zones going forward.
Once you complete this quest you'll be left staring out over the ocean here.
Use the rest of the Growthstones provided by the quest completion now until you are at least Level 45.
Now you can use your Teleport Book to teleport straight Kroloal Cradle (Teleport Book -> Dungeons) for the next Green Quest!
The next quest will require you to zone into Kroloal Cradle and a quick interaction. You can zone in solo here no worries. Sprinkle the Petals on this fire place just inside the entrance and continue following the Green Quest Line along.
A later green quest, Arra's Ingriedients, has had the flowers requirement removed (aka Poppy Gate) Once completed there is a portal at the top of the Tower to Karkasse Ridgelands.
Use the new Growthstones given to you again now before moving on to the next step. Once you're done with that you should at least be Level 50 depending on what other activities you did while leveling.
Step 3 - Claiming Your Catch Up Gear
Congrats on reaching level 50 - now what you will want to do is claim your catch up gear by going to
Note: You only get to claim this gear on ONE CHARACTER.
- Log in to your account on the top right of the website and then go to your Profile.
- Once you are one your profile, go to the Services (cart) tab and you should see the following: [ IMAGE ]
- Hit Redeem on the Catch-up Gear Box and then select your character to have the gear sent to.
- Once the claim is done (you may get an error, its fine)
- Go back to in-game and check your marketplace mail and claim the package. [ IMAGE ]
- Equip all your gear and use what you want!
Step 4 (Optional) - Getting to Auroria
As a new player, you could go about your business however you want at this point, but we've made a few more changes to assist players in leveling if they choose to move on with the Main Story Quests.
At Level 51, you will have no restrictions from playing normally - but we recommend continuing the questline for some extra boosts in leveling.
Continue your questline until You've Reached the Following Quest: The Riven Gates
I recommend you complete this quest as it now rewards a large amount of additional growthstones on top of opening up a few other quests that give you a head start into crafting your new gear.
And after that, that's it! You're all set to continue your adventures on AA Classic!
It will take about 3-4 hours to get to the Riven Gates Quest with a moderate pace. Quicker if you have someone teleport to locations instead of having to make the walk.
If you ever have any questions regarding anything else feel free to stop by the discord and ask the Player Helpers.
Moving Forward
// Where to go with gear, making gold